donderdag 27 januari 2011

Oscar nominated film: the King’s speech

The King’s speech is nominated for 12 Oscars, including best actor for Colin Firth and best supporting nods for co-stars Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter. This film has already been released in the States. It must be an amazing film, in England families will see the film together. In the movie you see king George VI stammering. He has to practice for an important radio broadcast. George VI is the father of queen Elizabeth, queen Elizabeth is still queen of the United Kingdom.

Reaction about the article:
The film is amazing, I have seen it already on my computer. It is very difficult for George VI to speak smoothly, the stammering is very annoying for him and others. I think we should all go and see this film, it is a piece of English history.  The Oscar Nominations are deserved, Geoffrey plays the doctor who helps George VI and the way he acts is amazing. He stays serious while he has to do some weird exercises. I hope you will all be able to see this film when it will release in the Netherlands.


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