maandag 22 november 2010

A big cuddle each and every day

Micro pigs at Little Pig Farm in Christchurch, Cambridgeshire, Britain - 06 Oct 2009

The accessory du jour nowadays is the micro pig. It is a small pig, it will grow till the size between 30cm to 40 cm, with a high feeling to cuddle. Even celebrities like David and Victoria Beckham have bought a micro pig for 700 pounds. The British Kune Kune Pig Society is the specialist in pigs and they tell that these micro pigs are not so easy to take care of and will not stay as  little as the advertisers may say. Several pig owners have brought their pig back because it became too big.
Everyone who buys a pig should realize that a pig will give you a certain amount of work and that pigs can become bigger than what has been said.

Opinion about the article:
It is easier to buy an animal, whether it is a dog or a pig, than realize how to take care of an animal. People think too easy about taking a pet. First of all I do not think that a pig is happy to become a pet, in my opinion a pig would like to stay outside to play in the mud. But they are very cute and I think that is the reason people want them to stay in their houses. It is a good idea to get a pig as a pet when you know how to give it the best life. And very important you do not want to worry about how big the pig is, he or she stays cute.


Challenge assessment by Andy Flower

Andy Flower is England’s coach in cricket, he tells us what to expect from the match against South Australia which will take place in Adelaide. England would really like to win this game, especiaaly after the smooth game against Brisbane. After three good matches the team feels confident in what they are doing, but according to Andy that is in the past and they also had the same change to lose these games. Andy says that the team must keep their feet on the floor because they have the challenge ahead. And England has a trump cart: Ajmal Shahzad will take his place in the team when it is necessarily. He is very fast and able to reverse-swing the old ball.

Opinion about the article:
Because it is an article about sport I am not very delighted with. I do not think you should think about sport too much, there are so many things which are more important. But this article was positive in my opinion. The coach Andy Flower makes good sense by telling the team that past performance is no guarantee for the future, this is not only about sports but it is important to know in life. It this way sports can be important for everyone, also for myself.


dinsdag 16 november 2010

The next King and Queen?

 After eight years Prince William asked, after getting the permission of her father,  his girlfriend Kate to marry him on a romantic holiday in Kenya. According to Kate the Prince is ‘’a true romantic’’, ‘’a loving boyfriend’’  and ‘’very supportive of her in good times and also trough the bad times’’. The whole country is delighted as well as Queen Elizabeth. The Prince gave Kate the blue sapphire and diamond engagement ring that Charles gave to Lady Di in 1981, in this way his mother won’t be miss out on this special day.

Opinion about the article:
It is a great article, with great news. I was also delighted hearing this fantastic news while I am not even British. The wedding between William and Kate will make up the sad wedding between Charles and Lady Di, who unfortunately died after a terrible car accident. After his mother's death the public never heard great news anymore. The wedding between William and Kate will make the English Royal family more popular. I am looking forward to the wedding, that will happen next spring or summer.

woensdag 10 november 2010

Phil Woolas ejected from parliament over election slurs[1]

After misleading voters in Oldham East and provoking Islamic extremists, several  emails were found between Woolas’s team, two high court judges decided to judge Phil Woolas to what is likely to profound implications for all future campaigns.  Woolas has automatically loses his seat in the Commons and he is barred from politics for three years. Several politician, from several parties, have an opinion about how people can conduct elections in the future.  According to Section 106 of the Representation of the People Act (1983) Phil Woolas has made an offence. 

Opinion about the article:

After reading the article, which has different meanings in it, I thought about how you can ruin your party by lying and provoking people. The judges have made the right decision, by giving him profound implications for all future campaigns. A politician is a person who people trust and they have to hold their trust, otherwise people will lose faith in the future. By lying to the people you make a real big mistake, and by provoking people you will get more voters against you.